
6 Emerging Trends in Social Media Marketing

  • 1. Social Media Video Posts Increase Engagement for Retailers
    Video has become a very valuable social media marketing asset. Instead of the static post with content and image, retailers are using videos to increase engagement. Number of likes don’t hold much water anymore. Engaging is easier as well, because there are online platforms that can connect your business with active and interested consumers for quality leads and faster conversions.
  • 2. Internet of Things (IoT) is Enhancing Social Media Buyer Funnels
    IoT has now integrated with social media marketing efforts due to the large amounts of data IoT-connected devices collect. In fact, IoT connected over 7 million units of consumer data last year alone.
  • 3. Social Chatbots Are Next-Level Customer Service Reps
    Artificially intelligent (AI) chatbots on social media have become quite useful for customer service and support. Why? Over 8 billion Facebook messages are sent between consumers and businesses each month. AI chatbots are answering customer questions, helping customers shop, and even upselling based on past purchases, all on social channels.
  • 4. AI Social Media Bots Are All About Abandoned Carts
    Retailers with an online marketplace may be experiencing a bit of abandon cart syndrome. This can happen for a number of reasons. However, retailers should use those abandoned carts as a reason to connect with customers on social media. For instance, AI chatbots can reach out to nudge customers with a discount or free shipping in an effort to get them to click checkout on abandoned carts.
  • 5. Social Media Ads Are Very Audience Focused
    Social media ads were always hit or miss. However, social networks have really stepped up their ad game for retailers. Now, businesses can deliver highly focused ads based on location, interest in a brand, age, gender, activities, and more. “Utilizing a multichannel approach to marketing, we target visitors across many social ad platforms to drive visitors inexpensively,” said Michael Lawrence, director of marketing for DirectLiquidation. “We then retarget on Facebook to remind visitors we are there, converting them.”
  • 6. Retailers Are Harnessing the Power of Micro-Influencers
    High-profile celebrity product endorsement is no longer seen as “worth the social media marketing spend.” Instead, retailers are opting to use micro-influencers, who have smaller, but far more loyal customer bases to recommend their products. “Micro-influencers have smaller followings, between 1,000-10,000 people,” Kristen Wessel of Forbes said. “They’re usually in more niche markets with highly engaged and loyal audiences.”
  • Main Source of Article:- http://bit.ly/2KHCoiA

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